There are main following activities of VCA: general analysis of strength and stiffness using finite elements method (FEM) with focusing on automotive structures.
VCA cooperates with a number of approval authorities (SGS TÜV Germany, TÜV SÜD Germany, DLG e.V. Germany, TÜV SÜD CZ, DEKRA, Autókut …) and is able to offer a complex support of development for our clients.
VCA offers calculation and following solutions for:
- problems of linear and nonlinear statics solved with FEM
- problems of nonlinear dynamics in range of elastic-plastic deformations (FEM)
- problems of nonlinear dynamics of rigid bodies (MBS)
- complex contact problems
- traffic accident analysis
- approval calculations according to EC and ECE Regulations, eg.
- ambulance technic strength according to the DIN EN 1789 and DIN EN 1865
- strength of a racing car rollcage accorging to the FIA Regulations
- fatigue analyses of mechanical parts and structures
- polycriterial optimization of mechanical structures
- another technical calculations and their programming
- creating FE meshes and models for demanding clients (eg. ŠKODA AUTO a.s.)
VCA provides independently or in cooperation with business partners many other services:
- design of mechanical structures
- basic material tests
- strain-gauge and other technical measurements and their analysis
- consulting service in strength and design of mechanical structures
- preparation and technical support for approval applications
- other engineering services